Frequently Asked Questions
I have my partner and/or nurse, why do I need a doula?
Just like there is a different between a doctor and a nurse, a doula plays a very different role than anyone else on your birth team. Your partner is emotionally invested in the birth of your child in a way that no one else is. Unfortunately, sometimes we put too much pressure on our partner and they are left feeling helpless or unsure of what to do. A birth doula has been in the labour room many times before and knows how to help your partner help you. We can help show them techniques to offer pain relief and give ideas of ways they can support their birthing partner. The purpose of a birth doula is not to take away from the partner, but to encourage closeness and bonding. |
The nurse on the other hand is a medical professional. She is responsible for performing medical exams, keeping in contact with your doctor, filing paperwork and much more. As much as your nurse wants to offer you one on one emotional and physical support, the demands of their job rarely allow it. This is where a doula and nurse complement each other. While a nurse takes care of you medically a doula takes care of you emotionally.
I am having a medically necessary or repeat caesaren, why do I need a doula?
While attending your birth and offering labour support is one of the bigger parts of a birth doula's job, it is not all we do. A caesarean (or c-section) birth has a very different set of needs that are equally important as those of a vaginal birth. During a c-section birth a doula still offers support, but in a different way. For example, a doula will still go over your birthing choices and give you a run through of what to expect during your surgery. We are often afraid of the unknown, so having someone who knows the local protocol goes a long way to making you feel more comfortable with your birth. Our birth doulas also offer support immediately before and after your c-section. This means that you will have someone you know and trust at your side to offer you encouragement and reassurance. |